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Version 18.2.3 now available for download here. Sign up to SellerdeckPay and get Apple Pay with this new version.

Sellerdeck Releases v10.0.3

This post is a legacy news item

Sellerdeck is pleased to announce the release of the latest Sellerdeck v10 update v10.0.3.

Version 10.0.3 fixes a significant number of issues from earlier Sellerdeck versions. It also includes several changes aimed at improving performance, particularly for larger sites, and a further enhancement to Sellerdeck Payments.

For information about the improvements in this release, see the key changes summary in the Release Notes.

For showing stock in extended information pages and other additions, see the new Advanced User Guide.

If you are not already using Sellerdeck v10 you can take a 30 day trial of this new release.