Sellerdeck Desktop

Swift template
The Swift template is a Sellerdeck Desktop template designed for frictionless ecommerce. With a mobile first design and clean checkout journey, Swift will swiftly navigate your browsers to the products they want to buy.
The result of this will be an improvement in engagement and conversion rate, resulting is more sales and happier customers. The technology behind Swift makes it more than just a template and is a big step forward from the previously released Sellerdeck templates.

Embedded Payments
- 100% compatible with SellerdeckPay
- Hosted fields with no redirect to payments page
- Re-use card on customer account

- One click delete
- Greatly improved layout design with less checkout pages
- Clearer log in for existing customers and new customer sign up
- Enclosed checkout for faster and more focused checkout experience

Customer Accounts
- Login and ‘my account’ better positioned
- Customer name displayed when logged in

- Clean burger menu
- Top level sections on home page
- Filter search results, including sort options (new ‘customer feedback’ sort option)

- ‘New Products’, ‘Recently Viewed’ now have same consistent look and located in best practice areas
- Social media links added

Product Page
- Tabbed display of product content, to include information like ‘Delivery & Returns’, ‘Reviews’
- Delivery & Returns policy can be product level, section level, or site level
- RRP field includes ‘You Save’ automatic calculation
- Magic Zoom Plus for multiple images and image zoom

Independent feedback with Feefo
- Improved design on product page in tab
To speak with a Sellerdeck Account Manager, please contact us on 01392 949096 or complete the following form for a follow up.