Sellerdeck Desktop

Frequently Asked Questions
Sellerdeck Catalog is a complete E-Commerce solution developed specifically for the small to medium business, incorporating everything you need to set up and run an E-Commerce site.
Sellerdeck for Sage 50 Accounts offers all the features of Sellerdeck Business, plus an additional utility called Sellerdeck Link for Sage that integrates the software with Sage 50 Accounts.
Sellerdeck Business Plus adds multi-user and multi-site capability to Sellerdeck Business and Sellerdeck for Sage 50 Accounts.
A highly scalable version of Sellerdeck with granulated user control, based on a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database.
Sellerdeck offers all the features of a complete online catalogue with an easy to use interface and built-in security, at low cost and with no monthly charges.
All Sellerdeck product options comprise two main components:
An easy-to-use Windows program that installs on your PC. This creates your commerce site and downloads and processes your orders
A set of scripts which are automatically installed at your Web site and provide the features of an electronic shopping cart and ordering system
Users of Sellerdeck Enterprise will additionally require access to Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Minimum (for smaller sites)
Windows 10, 8 or 7.
1 GHz dual-core processor
Internet Explorer 8
120MB available hard disk space
Recommended (required for sites with over 5000 products)
Windows 7, 8 or 10
2 GHz dual-core processor
Internet Explorer 8
1GB available hard disk space
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (Sellerdeck Enterprise only)
Sellerdeck is best suited to sites with between 1 and 20,000 product lines. These can be arranged in sections and sub-sections, with an unlimited number of levels.
If you already have a list of products in electronic format, this data can be easily imported via the import wizard. Alternatively, you can manually enter the information via the Windows user interface.
Entering product information is simple. All that is required is to enter a part number and name, a description, price and VAT treatment. You can also link an image file with the product, and even put a hyperlink in the product description to a page of more in-depth information.
Sellerdeck Business 2013 and above offers dynamic linking to an external data source as a third option. This allows you to build your product range in any application and pull your data into Sellerdeck to publish it.
Sellerdeck 2013 allows you to configure attributes and choices for each product in the online catalogue. For instance, you can have a t-shirt that is available in both a range of sizes and a range of colours. It is also possible to make each combination of choices a different price.
You can associate product choices with other products in the online catalogue. For example, a customer can assemble a PC online by selecting from a variety of available components such as memory, monitors and hard disk space.
Sellerdeck generates your E-Commerce site as a set of normal HTML pages. The pages are created from three components:
Information provided by the vendor about names, description and prices of products together with information on terms and conditions in the company. The vendor also provides information about the colours to be used in the catalogue (e.g. background colour, font colour etc)
Images, such as navigation buttons and product images, which are used in the catalogue Layouts, which are used to create the layout of each part of the online catalogue
Scripts that facilitate the web functionality, such as the shopping cart and search functionality.
When you upload your catalogue, the complete HTML pages are generated on the desktop according to the specifications of the above three groups of components. These are then automatically sent to the web site. Once complete, your commerce site is open for business.
All Sellerdeck E-Commerce software is integrated with Payment Service Providers (who take credit card numbers securely and carry out the transactions online).
A list of Payment Service Providers can be found on the following link:
Customers can visit and browse through the online catalogue. If a customer sees a product they wish to purchase then they click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button. The online catalogue then registers which product this customer has selected and the customer is shown an electronic ‘shopping cart’ that contains their product. This shopping cart is carried with them while they are visiting the site and it goes with them into the checkout.
Sellerdeck’s stock monitoring feature allows you to monitor each product line individually, warning you as product levels run low and automatically suspending online ordering when necessary. You are able to print off reports detailing stock levels to help you with re-ordering stock items in plenty of time to fulfil your orders.
As with all good software, Sellerdeck E-Commerce software can be customised, providing a look and feel that meets your company’s requirements and style sheets. The product is shipped with dozens of pre-designed themes and colour schemes that can be combined and customised. This gives you access to literally thousands of different design looks at the click of a button.
Alternatively, we can design a custom site to match your requirements and budget. Please contact Sellerdeck Sales for further details.
Online catalogues cannot be exclusively maintained using Dreamweaver, or similar web design applications. However, because Sellerdeck creates static HTML pages, any part of your online catalogue can be easily linked to your existing site using normal hyperlinks. Sellerdeck’s extensive design options allow you to make sure that the look and feel of your online catalogue is fully integrated with the rest of your site.
Using Design Text, you have the ability to change every bit of text in the website. This is useful if you wish to change the site to another language. Use the search facility in the dialogue to locate the precise piece of text you want to edit.
You will be automatically notified via email that you have an order waiting. The orders can then be downloaded at the most convenient time for you, or automatically at intervals you determine.
Sellerdeck has sophisticated shipping and tax calculation systems built into the program. You can set up shipping zones and classes to ensure that your customers will only be offered the most appropriate shipping methods for them. There is also a location-based tax calculator that allows you to configure multiple tax rates and bands. This ensures that your customers will be charged correctly.
Sellerdeck will allow you to display tax inclusive prices, tax exclusive prices or both. You also have the option of choosing a second currency for displaying prices at your site.
Sellerdeck has sophisticated shipping and tax calculation systems built into the program. You can set up shipping zones and classes to ensure that your customers will only be offered the most appropriate shipping methods for them. There is also a location-based tax calculator that allows you to configure multiple tax rates and bands. This ensures that your customers will be charged correctly.
There are several reasons why this is a bad idea.
Reliability: you will need access to a mail server in order to receive orders, and then if the server goes down for any reason, you will lose all record of the order
Security: most email travels over the Internet in plain text and could be read by anyone
Convenience: Sellerdeck’s method of downloading orders means that you are in control of how and when orders are received and processed.
How can I set up customer accounts in Sellerdeck?
Using Sellerdeck Business or higher, you can set up customer accounts that allow your regular customers to log into your online catalogue with a username and password. Your customers will be presented with a personalised online shopping experience which features their own prices, depending on what price schedule they belong to, and Sellerdeck Business will also remember their name and address information. When setting up a customer account you can specify a range of address information, create credit limits for different buyers and choose whether you want the account administrator to be informed via email of every purchase made by their buyers on the site.
Sellerdeck Business or higher allow you to set up a range of price schedules and then choose which customer accounts you wish to belong to which price schedules. You can also create quantity-based discounts on each product line, allowing a lower unit price if a customer orders a higher quantity.
Sellerdeck’s software differs from other E-Commerce solutions, which generate web pages on the fly from an underlying database. Sellerdeck’s strategy is to generate the entire shop site on the merchant’s PC and then upload it to the web server in the form of static HTML pages. In this way all the text on every page in the site, including product names and descriptions, is made visible to the search engines.
Sellerdeck’s software differs from other E-Commerce solutions, which generate web pages on the fly from an underlying database. Sellerdeck’s strategy is to generate the entire shop site on the merchant’s PC and then upload it to the web server in the form of static HTML pages. In this way all the text on every page in the site, including product names and descriptions, is made visible to the search engines.
What this means is that a web search for, say, Reebok trainers, will find a Sellerdeck site, which is selling them, whereas a site based on a dynamic database is unlikely to show up.
Unique meta tag descriptions and keywords can be easily entered for every page on the site, making it easy to produce a search engine friendly site without the risk of accidental spamming.
Sellerdeck can generate a Single Product per Page setup, where specific products have unique pages just for that product. This allows you to specify keywords designed for this product, as well as provide extra information for the product without showing too much information on a section page.
The addition of home page links on every page, the inclusion of contact information, and support for Alt tags for images are other features that are liked by search engines and directories. Good E-Commerce software such as Sellerdeck provides support for them all.
Using Sellerdeck for Sage 50 Accounts, Business Plus and Enterprise. It is possible to transfer your E-Commerce orders directly into your Sage accounts software as an invoice or a sales order, linking up with existing customers and products already in Sage. If you have existing Sage 50 Accounts products and customer accounts, then this can be transferred to Sellerdeck E-Commerce to ensure that information shared between Sellerdeck E-Commerce and Sage 50 Accounts is identical.